Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

DESCRIPTION TEXT "My Daily Activity"

Pas dapat tugas membuat description text, aku bertanya-tanya "Kenapa membuat description text tentang daily activity harus panjang?" Pak Guru sendiri yang menjawab tanda tanya yang muter-muter di kepala ku "Semakin panjang karangan, semakin banyak vocabulary yang dipelajari, semakin banyak dijumpai kesalahan, jangan takut pada error (salah) karena semakin banyak kita mengalami semakin tau kita cara membenahinya dan kita bisa belajar untuk tidak melakukan error tersebut di kemudian hari". Good Luck! 

Fk. \(^_^)/

My Daily Activity
Hi, Sir! How are you? I hope you are a good in condition. A month, we had pray to the God. Pray to the God until this Idul Fitri. In the holy month, I want to ask your apologize for all my fault. Happy Lebaran day! Based on the task which you gave for us two week yesterday, I finished that task about making many paragraph of daily activities. Now, I want to explain about my daily activities.
I get up at about five o’clock everyday. After getting up, I set and clean my bedroom. Then,  I take a bath in my bathroom. After taking a bath, I have some water for wudhu. After it, I wear my school’s uniform and then I pray. After praying, I set my book that list in lesson’s schedule for that day. My younger brother is taking a bath, beside that my mother prepares supplies food for me. I put my supplies food in my bag. I rarely have lunch in school’s canteen. All right, I have breakfast with my mother and my younger brother. I’m very happy if my mother cooks my favourite food. My favourite food is vegetables soup. My mother always makes a glass of tea for me. I drink a glass of tea when I have breakfast. After that, I shake hands with my mother and  I ask permission to my mother before I go to school. Then, she gives me a pocket money.
I go to school by motorcycle. On the way to the school, I drive my motorcycle carefully beside in my heart always spell sholawat for my Prophet, Muhammad SAW. I arrive at school about 06.15 and the condition in there is so quiet. No one student in there, just me and many school’s gardener. I enter my classroom. Sometime I clean my classroom beside I wait my friends. At seven o’clock, the lesson begins. I join to study with my teacher and my friends. I listen to the teacher’s explanation seriously. Then, about ten o’clock we have break time. I eat my supplies food with many friends who bring supplies food too. Almost my friends have lunch in the school’s canteen. I don’t go to the canteen for lunch because my mother said that I must be economical and save my pocket money. I join the lesson again. I pray about one o’clock at noon in the school’s mosque, exactly Al Furqon mosque. I go home at four o’clock at afternoon. I go home at four o’clock at afternoon, except every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.
After I go home, I take a bath. After taking a bath, I get some water to wudhu. After that, I wear my clothes. Then, I pray. After praying, I ask permission to my mother and I go to study club. Every Monday, Wednesday or Saturday I go home at two o’clock at noon. I can sleep after I go home. After that, I sweep my home. After sweeping the floor, I take a bath. After taking a bath, I get some water to wudhu. After that, I wear my clothes. Then, I pray. I go to study club at five o’clock in the afternoon.
I go to study club by bicycle, because the distance between my home and my teacher’s home is not too far. In there, I study with many friends in the same school. They are Yola from twelfth grade of sains 3 and Riski Wase from twelfth grade of sains 4. I study with a lot of friends from another school too. They are Mala from Senior High School 99 Smart, Handy from Senior High School 18 SmartSchool and Dwi from Islamic Senior High School Ar Rahman. 9 of 15 friends are students of Senior High School 101 Papar.
I study at study club five times a week, except Saturday and Sunday. At six o’clock, we have break time for pray. I get some water to wudhu and I pray in my teacher’s room. I pray together with my teacher and my friends. After that, I study again. I finish my study in study club at 07.30 at night. Then, I go home and I get some water to wudhu. Then, I pray. After praying, I have dinner. Sometimes, I feel so tired. But, I am very happy if my mother boils many corn for me. After having dinner, I study the lesson that list in lesson’s schedule for tomorrow and I do my homework. About ten o’clock I sleep. Before sleeping, I pray to the God so that I can get a nice dream.
That’s all my daily activities in a day. I hope you give me some advice to complete my paragraph, Sir. So, next time I can make a good paragraph. Thanks. 

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